This research project is very crucial study of the effect of segmentation in the target marketing of NBL plc Enugu. To solve the research problem primary and secondary data were collected. The research instrument used in collecting the data were questionnaire and personal oral interview. The respondents compassed the event staff/management and the customers of the company. The study was conducted using the descriptive study design, employing both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The target population was the organization marketing managers in selected international organizations in Nigeria. The study sampled 17 marketing directors. The main source of primary data was individual questionnaires served to marketing executives of the Nigerian breweries. Descriptive Statistics techniques was used to produce data such as mean, standard deviation, frequencies and percentages. Inferential statistics techniques were used to test the various correlations that exist among variables. The findings of the study indicate that there is a moderate linkage which exists between market segmentation and access to diverse markets in international business environments. The study found that the marketing departments in the organizations have a well educated workforce undertaking their delivery of services in this field. It found that while the organizations were recruiting new staff in the marketing departments, they were also keen on maintaining staff for continuity of organization culture. It found that most of the respondents feel that their sales growth is high and that most organizations are doing quite well in growing the revenue from sale of services. The results are also significant for theory, policy and implementation purposes in marketing for services. The study recommended similar studies in other organizations in the service sector.
This study aims to explore the rol...
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Statement of the Problem
The following are the problems identified in the management of farm information:
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The study as the impacts of marketing logistics on the corporate profitability in the industry  ...
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